Friday, January 15, 2010

January 8-14

January 8


A snowy morning in Georgia.

January 9


Ice skating with the in laws, first time I’d been in years.  Brought me back to one of my childhood dreams, which was to be a figure skater.

January 10


We’ve been working our way through the Narnia books for book club, and I spent much of the afternoon finishing The Silver Chair.

January 11


We start the week with snow, and within days progress to flowers.  We have this one lone dandelion in our front yard.

January 12


Pizza night.  Nothing too special, just dinner.

January 13


I have to admit I cheated slightly on this one.  I had a bad day and didn’t actually get a picture on the 13th, but because of that I made an effort to get two different pictures on the 14th.  This one will stand in for the day.

January 14


Playing at the park after a run.

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 1-7

Week one photos

January 1


We flew home from Vermont on Dec 31st, unfortunately because we were rerouted at the last minute due to Philadelphia weather our bags didn’t make the flight with us. They got to us at about 8pm on the 1st .

January 2


So, we made it home without our luggage, to discover that our water heater had sprung a leak sometime while we were away and had flooded the garage. This is the old heater out with the trash.

January 3


My awesome cousin gave Philip Rock Band 2 for the Wii for Christmas, and while we will be getting a guitar in the mail from her, I was most excited about the opportunity to play with drums, and we finally found some Rock Band drums for the Wii. Now it’s just a matter of keeping track of time when playing, as it’s very easy to get carried away.

January 4


Nothing terribly special about this one, just Troy sitting on the back of the couch staring intently out the window.

January 5


Philip is not always amused by my antics with the camera, as he is frequently the focus. Sometimes he can be a little camera shy.

January 6


As excited as I was about the drums, Philip was not, however I did convince him to give drumming a try and I think he might be able to figure it out.

January 7


SNOW!! Not a lot of snow, but here it shut everything down. I love snow, and I miss it so it’s exciting to me when it snows down here, which I believe I’ve seen on average once every winter I’ve been down here.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Project 365

I have been inspired by a number of bloggers to tackle this ambitious project of taking at least one picture a day for a year. In order to hold myself accountable for this and to make sure I give myself a reminder of why a took the pictures I'm going to be posting them here, most likely I'll post my pictures on a weekly basis. I've always loved taking pictures, and since getting myself a used Canon 20D for Christmas in 2008 have grown some in my photography. My challenge with this project is that I tend to be a perfectionist, and my photos need to have some inspiration or meaning behind them or I'm not satisfied with them, so I will need to find inspiration every day.