Monday, June 20, 2011

Making Changes


So, I've decided to change this blog up and try something new. Since I'm starting fresh I'm going to introduce myself and what I hope to put out here.

I am:

27 years old

A daughter

A sister


A wife


A pet owner




A student

A singer

A flautist

A knitter

An aspiring teacher

Somewhat athletic (or at least trying to be)


My life can be a little crazy sometimes, just like everyone else.  Firstly, I'm a 27 year old college student working towards my second bachelors degree.  I completed my first degree, a BA in theatre, in 2006 and spent a few years trying to figure out where I wanted to go with it before deciding that I needed to return to school.  I am now pursuing a BM in Music Education for the next 2 1/2 years.  While I was working on figuring out what to do with my life, my husband was struggling with the same thing, and also decided that more education was in order.  We found our respective programs, and a year ago we packed up and moved from Georgia to Virginia. 

I'm trying to find a balance between school and home while also trying to stay active and eat well.  I'm hoping to use this as a space to keep track and share any tips, good recipes, or anything else, after all, it's my blog!