Monday, December 26, 2011

Small Setback

This past week was busy. Tuesday saw twelve and a half hours in the car on the way to visit my family for Christmas. I did manage to get the 2.25 mile run in before leaving home Tuesday, and Thursday got in 1.5 miles, but Saturday I wasn't feeling well and decided to hold off. That means this week I will be repeating what last weeks distances were, hopefully without missing too much for travel.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Still Going

I suddenly realized that with finals and vacation started I've been forgetting to blog. That said, I've been keeping up with my runs, up to 2.25 miles for my longer runs this week.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week Two

I know I’m a little behind with this update, but my schedule got thrown off a bit last week.  That said, I did still manage to get all my runs in.

Monday I ran 1.75 miles and it was a little tough but not too bad.

I couldn’t run Wednesday morning because I had to be up doing stuff for school by 7:15 and I’m just not enough of a morning person to run before that, especially in the cold and dark so I put my Wednesday run off till Thursday morning which worked out well and I got my 1.5 miles in.

Saturday I ran my 1.75 in a different location and at a different time of day, I’m not sure if it was the time of day, the trail being unpaved or what but this run was a breeze and I ran it faster than I’ve been doing my shorter runs and it was comfortable and I felt incredible at the end.

So, there’s my week two update, this week I’m planning to run Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and I step up to 2 miles.  It is finals week so plans may change, but I have a relatively light load as far as actual finals go so I should be able to stick to my plan, and running will help me with my stress.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 1

Now that I’ve decided there are events that I am training for I need to find a plan.  For the moment I’m working with Hal Higdon’s Novice 5K Plan.  Once I finish this plan I will move on to the Novice 15K plan to prepare for the Charlottesville Ten Miler in March.

That said, this past week was week 1 of the 5K training plan, which meant running 1.5 miles 3 times.  I got up well before I needed to be on campus on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and braved the cold to get those runs in.  The first one was tough because I was feeling a little under the weather and my lungs protested a but, but by Wednesday I was feeling better and my run reflected that.  Fridays run was easier still and I feel like I’m ready to increase the distance this week.

As far as all the walking/rest days I’m loosely interpreting that.  I walk to campus every day which if I do the walk just once a day gives me a mile round trip.  Outside that  I don’t have a whole lot of time for other exercise, so I figure I’ll do what I can but the important part is getting those runs in.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Getting back out there

I've been somewhat complacent about workouts and editing right lately and I'm working on changing that. The first step for me is getting out and running. I think I've had trouble sticking to my running before because I didn't have a goal so I'm fixing that this time.

On March 31 is the Charlottesville Ten Miler.

I'm planning to run it.

Then in October the Virginia Tough Mudder event is held.

I plan on participating in that as well.

I want to put this out and hold myself accountable, I plan to, at the very least, post once a week about how my training is going.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Making Changes


So, I've decided to change this blog up and try something new. Since I'm starting fresh I'm going to introduce myself and what I hope to put out here.

I am:

27 years old

A daughter

A sister


A wife


A pet owner




A student

A singer

A flautist

A knitter

An aspiring teacher

Somewhat athletic (or at least trying to be)


My life can be a little crazy sometimes, just like everyone else.  Firstly, I'm a 27 year old college student working towards my second bachelors degree.  I completed my first degree, a BA in theatre, in 2006 and spent a few years trying to figure out where I wanted to go with it before deciding that I needed to return to school.  I am now pursuing a BM in Music Education for the next 2 1/2 years.  While I was working on figuring out what to do with my life, my husband was struggling with the same thing, and also decided that more education was in order.  We found our respective programs, and a year ago we packed up and moved from Georgia to Virginia. 

I'm trying to find a balance between school and home while also trying to stay active and eat well.  I'm hoping to use this as a space to keep track and share any tips, good recipes, or anything else, after all, it's my blog!