Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last Week of Break

Last week was my last week of winter break. Tomorrow I head back to the craziness that is school. This past week went pretty well, got in my 2.75 miles on Tuesday and it went pretty well, same for the 2 miles on Thursday. There was a slight hiccup in the planned Saturday run though. We went out on Friday night and we had people coming for dinner Saturday night so we ended up postponing that run to today. It was a good 2.75 miles, and I feel ready to tackle 3 miles on Tuesday.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another week down

I'm one more week closer to my goal of running the Charlottesville ten miler. I'm having trouble believing I will actually be able to run that far, but I can tell I'm making progress.

This week was tough. My run on Tuesday wasn't bad. It was 2.5 miles on a soft, flat trail, and actually pretty easy.  Then we hit Thursday's run. Only 2 miles, shouldn't be too bad except we changed our short run from 1.5 miles to 2 and ran a hilly loop in our neighborhood. We ended up coming in just stay of the full 2 miles, but I'm not going to stress about it.

Friday P and I went for a hike. We did about 3.5 miles on the Appalachian Trail, which was absolutely fantastic, bit we paid for it during our 2.5 mile run yesterday.  It wasn't a bad run, it was just a little more challenging because we were both battling tired legs.

All told, rinningwise it has been a good week, now if I can get my eating back under control I'll feel better about things.

One more week then I'm back in classes and I have to work around a set schedule again, we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ending 2011 Strong!

So, after a rough week before Christmas I made up for it and made last week strong. I started Monday with a 2.25 mile run. It was cold and windy, but it was a good run. It turns out my body likes running in the cold.

Wednesday was a 1.5 mile run after 8 hours in the car. Friday was rainy so we decided to hold off and run on Saturday. Saturday morning we took off for another 2.25 mile run.

All in all a good week, and I'm starting to feel like my legs are actually getting stronger.