Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oops! Let’s try this again…

I clearly haven’t been very good at keeping up with writing.  I also fell off the running wagon again, and neither of the races that I had planned are/were in the cards.  I stopped running as much in February, then over spring break the first week of March I rolled my foot really badly and ended up with a tendon injury that took me away from running for over a month, and at that point I just gave up for a while.

While I’m back now, running is not my priority at the moment, strength training is. I’m working my way through the workouts outlined in the book Get A Bangin' Body.  My plan is to do an organized workout a minimum of once per week, and I’m in my third week.  I do plan to increase my workouts, but for now as long as I can stick to one a week I’m at least doing something.

That’s not all I’m doing.  I am trying to run occasionally, and I also got my bicycle out for a short ride the other day and really enjoyed it so I hope to get out to ride more often.  I’ve also been trying to get out hiking on a somewhat regular basis, so far nothing too strenuous, but we’re hoping to work up to some tougher hikes and some backpacking throughout the summer.  We also are looking forward to getting the canoe out some as soon as we can find some good places to take it.

So, that’s what’s going on as far as fitness goes.  As for the rest of my life, well, it’s a little boring at the moment because I don’t have a job and I’m starting to go a little stir crazy.  I’m living at home for the summer and I have a role in The Sound of Music, which gets me out of the house for rehearsals three nights a week, but other than that I don’t really have anything going on at the moment.  That said, it is allowing me time to work on my music, I just need to use the time for it instead of lounging around with the cats.

I am also starting to think about making some changes in the way I’ve been eating.  Namely, since I’ve been back in Lexington I’ve been eating too many sugary foods, and I’m having some trouble with a sore throat and I’m pretty sure the two are related.  So, I’m going to try cutting down on sugary foods like candy, and things that are artificially sweetened.  That said, I’m not cutting things out entirely, I know myself too well for that, but if I’m going to have chocolate, I’ll make sure it’s a small piece of good dark chocolate instead of a candy bar.  I just need to cut down and see if it will help my throat problems go away.

I know this post is slightly disjointed, but hopefully I’ll be able to get stuff up here more regularly for a while.